Found 69 results for "Aortha"

Algecork - High Density

A high density EVA that contains granulated Cork.

Algecork - Medium Density

A medium density EVA that contains granulated Cork. 

Aortha Actithin Thinner 5L

The ActiThin Neoprene Thinner and Cleaner Thinner has a high solvent content making it ideal for thinning of Neoprene adhesives.

Aortha Bench Grinder

Compact and robust for small, busy workshops.  

Aortha Benchtop Glue Activator

Designed to help dry and activate adhesives applied to materials used in the Shoe repair and Orthotic trades.

aortha CoolSorb Insoles

Advanced in-shoe temperature management insoles for cooling and comfort. CoolSorb allow for a cool, moisture free, in-shoe environment, that relieve foot pain, as well as keeping your shoes odour free.

Aortha DeZolve Cleaning Solution - 1 Litre

Organic liquid compound used to dissolve contact adhesives.

Aortha EVA DieCut Blocks (Left & Right)

Die-cut and ready to use with your current CAD-CAM milling station. Easy Mill EVA for smoother appliance finish.

Aortha EVA for Insole Top Covers - 2mm

2mm Low Density EVA, widely used as an orthotic top cover. 

Aortha EVA Low Density - 190 (A25)

This material is very versatile due to its soft yet durable properties.

Aortha EVA Low-Medium Density - 260 (A35)

Offers the benefits of the medium density and the softness of the low density material

Aortha EVA Very Low Density - 120 (A20)

This extremely soft material has good rebound properties, making it a good choice for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Aortha High Density EVA - 450 (A65)

Commonly used for shoe lifts, heel lifting, block heels, wedge bottoms, rigid orthoses and a variety of commercial uses.  

Aortha Medium Density EVA - 340 (A50)

Most commonly used EVA in the industry.

Aortha Mini Roll Dispenser

Ensures, a safe, clean and efficient workshop.

Aortha Orthabond Contact Adhesive - 5L

High performance adhesive for orthotic manufacture.

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